Thursday 30 April 2015

Cheeky Brit drawing penises to bring attention to potholes

Everybody hates potholes. They're a nuisance and they never seem to get fixed.

One fed up Manchester, UK resident has decided to take matters into his own hands, with a delightfully cheeky political protest.

The artist, who calls himself Wanksy, has been going around drawing penises around the offending holes.

"The roads of Manchester are in an appalling state... I have cyclist friends who have been hospitalised, he told the Manchester Evening News. "They damage vehicles. Sometimes it's hard to know which pothole caused the damage because there are so many."

So far it seems to be working. Many of the city's potholes were quickly repaired shortly after being tagged.

However, local officials are less than amused with his methods.

"Has this person, for just one second, considered how families with young children must feel when they are confronted with these obscene symbols as they walk to school," a council spokesperson told the BBC.

Wanksy defended his protest as artistic expression, and notes the drawings are only temporary. He uses industrial road chalk that washes off after a few weeks. He says that anybody who gets offended by his drawings must be awfully prudish.

Many around the web consider him to be a sort of folk hero. His Facebook page currently has 18,000 likes from people around the world.

The council is warning residents that such actions will not speed up repairs.

"We understand and accept that residents are unhappy with the number of potholes in the borough, and we have a programme of scheduled works to fix them. Painting obscenities around potholes will not get them repaired any quicker."

It just goes to show, sometimes you've got to be a dick to get things done.

Source: CBC
Photo by Wanksy, via Facebook 

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