Thursday 19 March 2015

Ohio's worst neighbour leaves salty note for disabled driver

Ashley Brady and the salty note she received

If you park in a handicapped spot and you aren't handicapped, you're a jerk. If you leave a rude note attacking the disabled person who just chided you for doing it, you're probably going to hell.

Ashley Brady, 26, had lost her leg in an accident last year. She learned to walk again using a new prosthetic but found navigating icy parking lots a challenge. 

"I struggled a lot across the snow and ice in the parking lot trying to learn how to balance and walk," Brady told ABC 22. “I fell multiple times all of which my neighbours have seen.”

So her apartment complex graciously provided her with a spot closer to the door.

A few days later, she found a non-disabled resident parked in that spot. So Brady did the decent thing and left the person a note explaining the situation, warning them that she'd get the car towed next time. 

The note the neighbour sent her in response was salty enough to make the Colonel jealous.

Hey handicapped! First, never place your hands on my car again! Second, honey you ain’t the only one with ‘struggles’ I let the office know the cry baby one leg touches my property I will cause trouble. So go cry your struggles to someone who cares cause I’m walking away with both mine!'”

Her sister posted a photo of the note on Facebook, and it has since gone viral.

“I got a lot of feedback from this online from a lot of other amputees who have been in similar situations,”  Brady said. 

She has filed a grievance with the local police and will soon be meeting the complex management to decided on an appropriate course of action.

Source: Yahoo News

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