Tuesday 10 February 2015

World's most distracted driver caught on cam

Distracted driving is a big problem on the roads today. Probably even worse than drunk driving. It's like trying to ride tight course on a unicycle, blindfolded. Yet people keep doing it, and of course some have to take it to the max like this Scottish bloke.

A cyclist spotted the Aberdeen driver looking down at his lap, and figured something was fishy. A brief glimpse caught him staring at his phone while trying to navigate a busy street.

The video taker eventually catches up with him at a red light, where he spots the driver not only on his phone, but using a laptop and wearing headphones. 

"This bloke is driving a 3 tonne Land Rover in town, looking at a mobile phone, laptop and wearing headphones on both ears. Not only he's not paying any attention to the road, I suspect he's not even on this planet," the cyclist posted on his YouTube channel. 

Despite public safety campaigns, distracted driving remains one of the leading causes of collisions. Drivers in Ontario can now face fines up to $1,000 if they are caught using a mobile device behind the wheel.

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